Bee Removal
Are there any health benefits associated with the consumption of raw organic honey?
Absolutely. Raw organic honey contains bee pollen that is packed with protein and powerful antioxidants. There are a wide range of benefits with raw organic honey; it boosts immune function, assists in healing skin conditions, helps stabilize blood pressure and balance blood sugar levels, contains anit-viral and anti-fungal properties and all vitamins, nutrients and enzymes are intact.
Does honey go bad?
Honey stored in sealed containers can remain stable for decades and even centuries! However, you may notice that it becomes cloudy and eventually forms granular crystals of sugar. You can return your honey to a clear liquid state by carefully heating in a double broiler or glass jar submerged in 120 degree water. Never boil honey as it will darken and degread its flavor. It is also best not to refrigerate honey. In doing so you may expedite the crystalization process.
How should I store my honey?
While honey can be stored almost anywhere at any temperature however different temperatures can cause it to crystalize (if it is cold) or liquefy (if it is hot) - we recommend storing your honey at room temperature whenever possible. This will assist in stopping the formation of crystals due to cold temperatures or liquefying due to hot temperatures.
Is honey safe for infants?
As with any unprocessed, raw food, honey is not recommended for infants whose immune systems are not fully developed. This generally occurs by one year of age.
Is Cooper Honey processed or pasteurized?
No. We sell only raw honey that will retain ist natural sweet, full bodied flavor. We invite you to compare our honey to processed honey...you are sure to notice an immediate difference.
What do I do if I find a large cluster of bees hanging from a limb in one of my trees?
It sounds like you have a swarm of bees. This is a typical stage of reproduction that generally takes place in the spring. Normally, swarming honey bees are at their most docile stage, however it is best to keep your distance and contact us immediately. They are looking for a new home and it is best that it not be yours.
Honeybees have been coming and going between the wood and brick in my home. Does this mean they are living in my house?
It is likely the honey bees are not in your walls, rather they are trying to get in and out between the ceiling and flooring on a mult-level home. Give us a call today so we can evaluate the situtation and remove the complete nest of honey bees that may be inhabiting your location.
I have honeybees flying in and out of a hole underneath an overhang. I was told I can get them to move on by putting a queen in a new beehive, place it next to the existing hole with a screen funnel over it and the other honeybees will follow. Is this true?
You can try this technique with positive or poor results. There are many factors that weigh in. How long have they been there? How large is the nest? How long are you willing to fight against the honey bee infestation and what will you do with the nasty bee mess left in the wall? It is best left to the professionals. Cooper Honey has been providing honey bee removeral services for nearly two decades. Give us a call today!
The walls of my home are filled with fiberglass insulation. Will honeybees still come into my home?
Honey bees love to work. They will come into fiberglass filled walls and simply clean up shop and enjoy their new space.
What are the benefits of pollination?
Nearly 80% of crops we consume are pollinated by honey bees. Pollination services allows individuals to reap the benefits of honeybee pollionation without the necessity of keeping a few colonies of bees on their own.
How many colonies can you provide for my crops?
The size of your crop will determine the amount of honey bee colonies you will need. Contact us whether you are in need of one colony or 100. We are fully stocked to assist smaller local farmers to larger crops and almod tree orchards.
How big is a pollination hive?
We have honey production hives that are 4-6 boxes high and could contain as many as 100,000 honey bees in the peak nectar production season (May through June). For smaller pollination services we use nucs to maintain lower honey bee populations and ease in transporting and placing on your crop. A nuc contains 10 frame10,000 worker bees and stores of honey and pollen. A nuc will take up less thatn 3 square foot of space.
What about neigboring properties?
Honey bees travel anywhere from 1 - 5 miles. Therefore, we ask that there are no chemicals or pesticides present within this range to insure the safety of our honey bees. Insecticides, whether organic, synthetic, natural, nicotinoidal, or systemic, kill insects. This includes our honey bees.
Where is your pollination service available?
We currently offer pollination services in South East Kansas, Southern, MO and Northeast Texas. We can easily service areas throughout these states. If you are looking for service throughout the U.S., we offer delivery service to just about any location. For more information, or to discuss the benefits of Cooper Honey pollination services, contact us today!