PURE Honey
Cooper Honey, LLC offers raw, chemical free honey at a great price. Whether you are interested in 1lb., 2lbs., or purchasing by the 55-Gallon bulk drums we offer, Cooper Honey, LLC has everything you need!
We work hard to keep our honey bees pesticide and chemical free. This allows us to pass on a unique flavored, lightly strained honey with distinctive health benefits.
As each season approaches we strive to offer you a variey of sizes and capture distinctive local flavors acquired throughout three states;
Kansas, Missouri and Texas.
For more information on
purchasing Cooper PURE
Honey, please contact us

It is relatively easy to remove a swarm cluster of honey bees, however it takes quite a bit of effort to remove bees in a cavity.
Don’t spray chemicals in an effort to kill the bees. Killing the bees won’t get rid of their home and will lead to worse problems and possibly new bees moving back in.
If you kill honey bees, unattended brood (unborn bees) can rot and become very odorous. Unattended honey stores can absorb moisture and ferment, creating a gas that causes the cappings holding honey in the cells to burst. Gravity will also move
the honey down attached surfaces until it encounters a horizontal impediment, such as a window frame, doorframe, firebreak, ceiling, or floor.
All of this is avoidable with the proper removal of the unwanted honey bees.
You may find beekeepers willing to remove swarms free of charge, but generally it isn’t worthwhile for them to remove established colonies without charge, and in some areas your only option will be to hire a structural pest control company.
Contact us today for a FREE estimate.
We offer Honey Bee Pollination to our local farmers, orchards and out-of-state customers as well.
Local Farmers
If you are looking for pollination while a specific crop is in bloom, we offer drop off and pick up services to all local farmers.
We do not keep bees where pesticides or other chemiccals may be present. This will cause harm and may even kill our honey bees.
We do not keep bees where cattle or other livestock may have access to the honey bees.
Cooper Honey, LLC offers competitive and flexible rates per hive for both local and out-of-state customers. If you are in need of out-of-state Pollination Services, contact us today for more information.
Service is still available for the 2016 season. Often times crops in need of pollination include apple, pear, pumpkin, squash, cucumber, peach, cherry, blueberry, cranberry, wheat, cotton, clover and almond orchards.
All honey bees are delivered on a pallet and can be easily delivered and retrieved with our equipment.